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Humidity: 1014.4hPa
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Light: 400.74 Lux
NH3: 343.84kO

Living Stones & Megaliths. Sculpture in the Highlands

Eloise Bennett, Alasdair Milne, Rory O’Brien

There’s a weird history of monuments and megaliths in the central highlands. Today, Landmark is well-known in the north east as a Forest Adventure Park. Over the years it has accumulated attractions ranging from waterslides to a high-level treetop walk. But the early years of Landmark, in the late 70s, saw the placement of abstract, contemporary sculpture on its site. Described as β€˜half garden, half primeval woodland’, the sculpture park carried the deep-time conventions of stone circles, packhorse bridges and cairns. Mostly forgotten, its legacy is considered here in the broader geocultural context of the region.

With found pamphlets and archival materials, ambulate through the near history of an ancient plot in the Caledonian forest. Written and produced by Eloise Bennett and Alasdair Milne. Read by Rory O’Brien.